Since the birth of internet, the World have Ambrase all things Digital and 90% of the whole world have internet Access for their Businesses and Career Pursuit and Sponsorship and Funding Approval. Google as a Technology Company, have all you need in terms of Internet Access and Connectivity.
About Google
Google is a technology Company and she have more free offer than paid once. However, we have the guide for you better understand and first you should know that Google LLC started on the year 4 September 1998 and since then till date we have more to enjoy free from Google than just to search in
Google as a Search Engine
As a Search Engine; Google is almost ranking the number one search engine in the whole world. Just as you should also know, there are many other top search engines like Google online but seems to outsmart all of them.
List of alternative search Engines:
Just as Google ranks the best today both in United state of American and other developed Countries of the world. we still have the list below:
What We have for you About Google Account
From this part of the article topic “Google Account” we have the list below for you to understand what we have as the main business of this page:
- Google Account
- Google Account Registration
- How to Login Google Products
- How to Reset Google Account or Password
- Delete Google Account
- Make money with your Google ID
- Benefits of Being a Google ID member
- Google My Business
- Google free and Paid Products
- How to Remove or Add Google Account on Android devices
- How to Create multiple Users using Google mail on Chrome Browser
- Way you can save your Mobile Contact free with Google ID
- How to Synchronize your Browsers data and password with Google ID
- How to Find My Device Location with Google
- Best way to Lock your Device online
Meanwhile, we have which are not on this list which we will be talking about on this page on or before we finish explaining the list above.
Google Account
Having an Account with Google is one of the best thing you can Do if you wish to cases the Free and Paid Google Products On the Go.
What is Google Account all About …?
Just as we say, Let me Create a facebook, whatsapp, Instagram or Twitter Account that is how you can create an Account ID for you Google Membership. Meanwhile, you can call it Gmail but have A google Registration or Member ID will go a longer not just that you have a Gmail Account but should I say that Gmail is the part of the Google Products which details with the email address Access and More you can have it as [email protected] for example and you can gain Access to all these products below:
List of Google free and Paid Products
- Google My Business Registration
- Google Photos
- Android Account
- Google Map
- YouTube
- Play Store
- Google News
- Meet up
- Google Drive
- Calendar
- Translator
- Google Assistant
- Duo
- Doc Viewer and Creator and editor
- Google Slides
- Books
- Hangout
- Keep
- Jamboard
- Classroom
- Earth
- Collection
- Art and Culture
- Google Ads
- Google Adword
- Podcast
- Chrome
- Chromecast
- Google Play
- YouTube Music
- Nest Wifi
- Google Search … ETC
However, we have many other unlisted Products to which you can gain Full or Partial Access by the use of a single Google Account popularly known as Gmail. For more Views and Details About the list of others, you can see all other Google Products.
Google Account Registration
Now, we have a few steps for you to take and gain full access to all your Google Products which out any form of delay or verification.
The steps you need to take in other to open or Have a Google ID are easy but you will need to make a choice on which kind of Google Account you need. well, it’s just two to choose from:
- Personal Account
- Business Account
Moreover, the steps of the registration are the same and easy and you need to just not whether you which to have the Account registration for business use or personal use and of which it will determine the name and gender difference.
The Steps you Need:
Now, you can freely go through the application process which will not take you a minute to complete only will do so if your internet access is not that strong.
- You can make use of either your PC or Mobile or Tablet Device for this registration
- You must have internet access for connectivity
- Visit
- For Now, we are to create an Account. so you Click on Create an Account at the left top corner of the page.
- Enter the Follow details:
- Enter your first and last name
- Choose a Username
- Choose a secure password
- Click On the Next down right-hand side Button to Proceed
- Once you are on the next page, enter the following details:
- Some will ask you to enter your Mobile number
- Select your Age
- Also, select your Gender
- Click Next to proceed
- On the Next page is the verification page but some time it can skip itself but if there do the Follow, and if not Proceed with the login steps below:
- Select your Country Number Code
- Enter your Mobile Number to receive a verification Code
- Enter the verification code to proceed
- Now, you can as well choose to enter two ways of Account Recovery which are:
- Mobile Number
- Alternative email address
- Click on Submit to generate the Google Account details.
Now you’re done with the registration,
you can as well choose to save the details which are:
- The Username
- The Account Password
You can save all these things on the PC Browser mainly Chrome if you wish to make things easier for yourself and i know everybody like it on the easy ways.
However, we will still discuss more on how to Synchronize your details online across all your device either on Google email or Chrome Browser but first let head to Gmail Account Login steps:
Gmail Account Login steps
Once you have made the above steps secure and legit and by now, you should have all your Account details ready for login, you can take these steps to make it easier for you to Access the account and many other once on the go.
- You are right …? If Yes proceed but if No Visit the link now to gain access
- From the Top Right hand Page Click on Go to Google Account
- Enter the email address or your Mobile number used on the registration
- Click on the Next Button blow
- Enter your Password
- Click on Login to access your Account.
Pretty easy right …? As we said before Google is the best and Once you have an internet connect either full or little, i mean 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G you can easily gain access to your Account on the go.
How you can Find your Lost Gmail or Google Account
To show you have easy Google have made everything to be today, you can easily find your Gmail Account without stress and the below easy and simple steps are what you can do to details you full Google Account again.
Just as people keep saying “I lost my email address” whenever you tell them to provide a working email address for registration or Subscription or notification guide today.
With the little steps below google have all you details you used in your registration on her database and you don’t have to think much in order to retrieve them again.
Here are what you can do:
- Visit the main account portal at
- Click on Go to google Account
- Below the email and Mobile Number Button
- Click on Forgot Email
- You will have to enter your Phone Number or email address
- Click Next and Do the Following:
- Enter your First and Last name used in the registration
- Click Next to proceed
- Once the name matches with the details you used in registration, you will see the full email once you click next for the order page.
How to Reset or change a Gmail Account password
It’s a very painful thing that one can forget his or her email address or password and this happens whenever you need to important application or registration, am i not right …?
However, wer have the best steps for you to Apply for retrieval and you will get all the details you need in the matter of a minute.
On this page, we have two things to talk about which are:
- Email Account Retrieval just as the above steps have Soon
- How to Change your email Password
- How to Reset your email Password
Anything Consigning email password will be well salted out on this page and you can follow us up below and ask any other question on any were you are confuse:
How to Change my email Password
To change an email Password is quite easy and simply, however, it will not take you more than a minute to complete and is will be very easy once you already have a mobile number attached to the email for recovery purposes.
You should know that when you were making your registration, the steps you need to Follow will be well documented by Google as a company who is managing your email server.
Now, you follow these steps to get all you need to know;
- Visit the gmail database @
- Click on Go to my Account
- Enter your email Account
- Enter your Password
- You can Only Click on Forgot password if you don’t remember the password again.
- Click on the profile image and select Manage my Google Account
- Select Security
- Click on More security Issues
- Once you don’t have issues with Login and security, like you can remove any signed in device from this page if not click on Continue to Your Google Account. To Proceed
- Click on password and Enter the Password details
- Now, you can enter the new password and Confirm the password
- Finally, click on Change Password to Submit your Request
How to Reset your Google Account Password
If you are to reset your Google Account Password that means you don’t know the password again and to make it easier for you not to keep thinking of the password details, you need the below steps:
- Go to
- Click login details
- Enter your email Address
- Click on Forgot Password
- You will be ask to enter your last password but if you don’t remember, you can click on try other ways
- If your Email was Login to android Phone before now, you will receive an authorization popup to verify that your the one.
- Now you can enter new password and confirm the password
- But if in any way you have change your mind, you can click on skip to continue using your email with old password
- But if you click on change after entering the new password, you now have a new password to use in any device you wish to login your Google ID or Gmail.
How to Delete a Google Account
Are tired of receiving notifications or unknown messages on your email, well you can unsubscribe from the sender or you don’t what the email address again and you wis to create new one.
well, you can delete your account and create new one. Google Account registration is free and secure and you can make the best use of it any anytime once you have an internet connection.
- Are you on the … yes proceed or No you can Visit now
- Click on Data & Personalization
- Scroll down and do the following under Download, delete or make a plan for your data
- Download your data – Make a copy of your data to use it with another account or service
- Make a plan for your account – Use Inactive Account Manager to plan what happens to your data if you stop using your account
- Delete a service or your account – You can do this if you no longer use a service or your account.
- Select Delete a service or Your Account
- On the Delete My Account, you should Note this: You can permanently delete your Google Account and all your services and data, such as emails and photos
- Once you click on delete my Account, you need to enter your Password to authorize the request
- Now, you are done and you have all you need to wait for some days and you account will be deleted permanently.
Making Money with your Google Account
Google is one of the best paying Companies in the world, Having Over Million to Billions of Publishers across the Globe and below are the list of ways you can make money with your Google Account:
- Google Adsense
- YouTube Account
- Google Admob
Meanwhile, if you have other ways apart from the above, it may not be from Google and others like Bling, yandex … etc may still have more to offer.
How to make Money Using Google Adsense
Google adsense have been number one best income generator for Millions of Publishers across the globe and on this part i will guide on what you need to get approval on with Google Adsense and more things you will be need as the requirements you need to be one of the best Publishers in the world today:
- You Need a Website or Youtube Channel or Gaming App
- You need to Have Unique Contents
- Always Update your Website
- Have enough Daily Visitors
Meanwhile, To register on Google Adsense and Gain Easy Approval your site must go along side with the SEO(Search engine optimization). However, you can make use of the following guide for SEO content analysis:
SEO Content Analysis Roles
Once you wish to fOllow SEO roles in your content, you have more to gain well it will take more of your time but you will gain more at the long run:
- Your Post will rank at the first page with different keywords(Keyphrase)
- You will get more visitors
- Most of your Views will be Organic which is the best as Google don’s like third party Traffic like some Social media traffic which Google tags Invalid Traffic.
- You Post will be easy for visitors to read
- You will get more encouragement Comments
- Also, people will tell you more of their problems and you will help them more to write more solutions for them and with that it will be easier for you to see more issues and solve them easily
SEO roles for Content writing
To write an article can be easy but to drive in your points for your readers or audience to understand is the main part. However, on this part you will see the simple way to outline your content for your audience to understand all you ate saying:
- Know your Keyword(Keyphrase)
- Have your Keyphrase on the Title
- Outlist all the topics and subtopic you will be talking about under the Keyphrase
- Make use of Header 2 and 3 as your first title is already hearder 1: For wordpress Users it’s easy to do this and better still i will advise you to install your site on WordPress for easy SEO analysis Plugin(Yoast). Other web-hosting or installer portals may not be able to house this plugin and Yoast is the best for now.
- At the SEO title, the Keyword should be the first
- your Keyword should contain in your Slug
- At the mate Description, your Keyword must be found there too
- In the body of the post or article, the Keyword must be found at many as needed which the SEO plugin will guide you on that.
- Make sure you detail all you need to explain about your keyword.
- You can now publish once you have read via the whole articles to make your corrections.
How to make money on Youtube
YouTube is own by Google and it’s a streaming site where users or publishers can upload videos and in return make move from their channel. Meaning that if you have a YouTube channel that attracts many visitors, google will be able to pay you.
However, the YouTube Account is free and secure and you have the following to do in other to start making money using YouTube:
- Create a YouTube Channel using your Google Account
- Create unique Videos
- Get more that 10,000 Views on your channel
- Apply for Google adsense to Monetize your Channel
- Once, you approval, you can place your code and start making Cool Cash.
How to make money using AdMob
Admob is a Google Adsense for Mobile Apps and you can have your Mobile App Mortised using Admob. However, Just like having a website that make use of AdSense, you can still have a mobile App that have Google Ads on it like Apps in the Google Play store, apple Store, Microsoft store and others.
Benefits of Being a Google ID member
Just as we have been talking about the best ways to gain revenue from Google and other things you can benefit from with just the use of a Single Google Account.
- Free 15gb Online storage space
- Use of Google free Products
- Making online registration easy and save
- making Money using Google Account
- Save your Password on Google
- Save your Bookmarks and browser Histories online
- Make payments using a Google Play
- Download unlimited Apps using Google Address on Play store
Google My Business
Having your Business Location on the Map is one of the best feature google have as one of the free Production which can help you with online Presence for your Business. Google My Business is the best for far giving your Business the best outlook and review on the online Marketplace today.
Meanwhile, you can set up an online Presence for your Business only with the help of Google Map and Million at your area and other location in the world can be able yo see your products and buy on the go with your direct contact through your website today.
How to set up Google my Business Account
Just with internet Connect and a mobile or PC device, you can set up a Google My Business Account with else and also you can Download the Google My Business Mobile App for easy access and product UPLOADs today.
- Visit the Google My Business @ which is above.
- Enter your Business name and click next to proceed
- Select the Category your Business lays on
- Select the Type of Services you resender
- Add your Location for easy Access:
- Website address
- Street
- City
- Zip code
- State
- Click Next to proceed with the next page
- Add the Hours and days of the week your business operates
- Add your Contact Address correctly because on the Address is where you will receive the Verification Code.
Meanwhile, you have to go to the nearing Post office according to there you added your Contact and Business Address.
Have you Received the Verification PIN … Yes ? This is what you are going to Do.
How to Verify Google My Business Account
There are different ways you can verify your Google my Business Account:
- Mobile Verification
- Desktop Verification
In all either Mobile or Desktop, you should have the verification PIN with you just like the image below explains:
- Visit the Verification Portal at
- Sign In using your Google Account
- Enter the verification Code and Submit
Now, you can Proceed with your Adding of Products and other things you wish to Add in your Business Page.
The second Verification from Google support guide
Maybe this verification maybe for users in USA only:
With your Desktop Device you should Follow these steps;
- Sign in to Google My Business with your Username and Password.
- Choose the business you’d like to verify, then click Verify now.
- Make sure that you can directly answer your business phone number to receive your verification code.
- Click Verify by phone to have the code sent to your phone via automated message.
- Enter the code from the message.
Meanwhile, with the second steps you can see that you don’t have to wait for 14 days or more before you can receive your verification.
How to Remove or Add Google Account on Android devices
If you have an Android Device, you need to add a Google Account on it in other to help you benefit more like download from Play store, save your Contacts online, save your Passwords, and many other things.
However, these are the steps you will be needing to sign in your Google Account on your android device for better users:
- Power the phone if off
- scroll and select settings
- Scroll down and select Account
- You will see Add Account click on the it
- Select Google
- Wait for some seconds and enter the email or username
- Enter the password and Click Login to Proceed
Now, your email address is logged in your device and for more details on how to remove the email address from your phone, these are the steps you can take.
- From the setting on your device
- Select Account
- Click on Google over there
- Select the email address you want to remove
- Scroll down and select remove
All the data about your Google Account will be removed from the device in the matter of seconds once the device is connected online.
How to Create multiple Users using Google mail on Chrome Browser
Do you Know that a Single Chrome can service you like a multiple Browser without linking any information between the two or more browsers …? Once you have the latest or old Chrome browser Here are the steps you have to take in order to secure your multiple users in the same chrome:
- Open the Chrome
- Click at the top Right hand side of the browser with profile icon
- Click on Manage People from the list of options
- Scroll down and Click on ADD PERSON
- Enter the name you need for the user
- select icon if you wish
- Click on add to create the user
- Now, you can sign in using your email address to import other Datas like Bookmark, password and the rest which you have save in order browsers to the new user.
Now, you have a new user which is independent of the other user but all are in the same chrome. and you can create as many users as you want.
Way you can save your Mobile Contact free with Google ID
You Mobile Contact is one of the best things you should have in your mobile Phones and once you lose them i don’t think you will be happy with yourself making use of the phone again.
However, with Google all You contact can be save online and you can also save them directly when making any changes on your contact Like:
Comforter is a friend of mine and i just met her on my way to home:
ME: Hello dear; … How are you doing …?
COMFORTER: Am awesome and You ..?
ME: Am Greate!
ME: it have been a long time and i can’t find your contact any more because i know have a new phone.
COMFORTER: Okay dear, these are my digits …..
ME: oK
On my phone these are the steps to save the contact online:
- Scroll to Contact ICON on my phone
- Click on it
- Select add Contact
- Select my email address on the box of where to save the contact
- Add her name”COMFORTER” and add her number
- Also i can add her Street and house number
- I will still add her office address or order numbers
- Click on save to submit
In seconds everything will be online once your internet connection is on and if it not on at the moment, when you connect to internet at anytime your contact will be synchronized.
How to Synchronize your Browsers data and password with Google ID
Just as i said above you can synchronize all your data to a new device once you have you email address signed on the device.
Like in Chrome or Firefox or UC or Edge browser, etc … you can transfer you data from one browser to another with the help of Google. Just as you can visit your Chrome to make these steps:
- Open your Chrome browser
- Click on the top right corner Profile image and Click on Sync
- Enter your email address
- Enter the password
- Click on Login and submit
Now, you will receive a notification telling you to Click On Yes to Synchronize. The Option and you are done.
How to Find My Device Location with Google
With Google Today, do you know you can Find the location of your device when lost of stolen and all these is possible with the help of Google Account and More GPRS.
This is how to proceed with finding your device:
- Visit
- Select Security
- Click on Manage Device
- You will see the device you wish to Find once you have your email address in it.
- Select the device and Click on Find my device
- You will be redirected to Google Map where you will see the location and the various points on the map where your device reach or is.
Best way to Lock your Device online
You can strill luck your device online if you don’t want anyone to access your data or your device is lost to. These are the steps you have to follow:
Just like the find my device above, you can still follow the same steps and once you select the device you need to find or lock or even call immediately. You can proceed with these few steps:
- Select Lock my device and you can also set a Different password for it
- You as well call the device if you believe the device is still around you but you don’t know the person’s pocket it is in.
In Summary
Having A google Account have been so helpful to me and other just as the review is in Billions talking Good of Google today. Furthermore i will advise you to make use of Google ID to and start enjoying the awesome benefits that comes from it i can tell you that am not losing anything having a google Account today.
Do you have more to say about Google membership ID …? We have the Comment inbox below and more you should Join our free email subscribers today for more notifications and Guideline on daily bases.