What you should know about immigrating to Canada

What you should know about Canadian Immigration: Are you thinking about immigrating permanently to Canada. However, there are a few things you should know before you start your Canadian immigration application process. It is very important to know that things are done differently than it seems.


Immigrating to Canada

Moreover, immigrating to a new country is a very big undertaking or venture. If you’re serious about immigrating to Canada. There are a few factors you should consider about what your new home will be like, even in a culture that welcomes immigrants like Canada does.

However, in this article, we will be providing you with information in detail about everything you should know about the Canadian immigration process, from policies and guiding principles to the general requirements, including tips for immigrating to Canada as quickly as possible.

What You Should Know About Canadian Immigration

Immigration to Canada refers to the process by which people migrate to Canada to reside in the country, and where a majority go on to become Canadian citizens. Moreover, as of 2019, Canada has the eighth largest immigrant population in the world. Where foreign nationals make up about one-fifth of the Canadian population.

However, it is hard not to get enthusiastic about moving to Canada. The country is a very beautiful place and the people are famous for their niceness. Moreover, Canada is an ideal destination for people seeking employment. As there are lots of opportunities for career growth and development. Also, Canada needs immigrants, as they contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Tips to Complete the Canadian Immigration Process

Furthermore, here are tips for immigrating to Canada as quickly as possible. They are as follows:

Put important documents in order and have them readily available:

However, such important documents are as follows:

  • Valid language test scores
  • Official identity documents such as passports, official birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.
  • Educational qualifications such as transcripts and diplomas
  • Evidence of employment may be in form of reference letters, certificates, employment contracts, etc.

Other important tips are as follows:

  • Documents must be in English or French, if not you will have to provide an official translation for them.
  • Make sure that your Canadian immigration application is complete and contains all the necessary documents requested.
  • Ensure that photocopies of your documents are clear and readable.
  • Submit declarations or letters of explanation whenever possible to make your case as clear and concise as possible.

The political, economic, and legal climates in Canada are constantly shifting when it comes to immigration. Both temporary and permanent.

Understanding Policy and Politics

As in many parts of the world, there is a movement towards restricting access to Canada for immigrants. But there are also countervailing economic and social realities. Indeed, Canadian immigration law was altered on 28 June 2002 (and further since) generally making the rules more restrictive. By contrast, certain programs regarding temporary entry have been made less restrictive – for instance for computer professionals – recognizing the realities of the economic demand in this sector.

As such, though we hope to provide accurate, up-to-date information about Canadian immigration law and policy You must investigate matters about your case with the appropriate government office or professional at the time that you seek immigration, permanent or temporary.

There are a few important principles of which you should be aware, for an understanding of our immigration policies and philosophies. An understanding of these will often lead to a better understanding of the underlying law and regulations, and therefore the guidelines which will affect you.

Guiding principles

However, there are several principles set out in Canada’s Immigration Act. Canada’s immigration laws are designed to promote, for example:

  • Cultural and social enrichment;
  • Trade and commerce through the temporary entry of visitors;
  • Canada’s international humanitarian obligations;
  • A strong and viable economy;
  • Maintenance of Canadian society’s health, safety, and security.

Moreover, these basic principles are then molded to fit specific issues. Regarding entry for temporary workers, the philosophy is ‘net benefit to Canada. That is to say, does an applicant provide Canada with some benefit to justify the hiring of a foreign worker? Contrast this with the philosophy under the previous law which was ‘Canadians first’. As will be discussed below, this leads to various procedures required to satisfy immigration officials before a foreign worker will be entitled to enter and work in Canada, and also an elaborate system of exceptions that must be considered.

Furthermore, concerning permanent residence, the guiding principles go on to shape the employment criteria for the selection of immigrants. Indeed, recognizing demographics, commerce, and other issues. Canada promotes immigration, though in recent times there sometimes appears to be a harsher attitude among those making the selection decisions. Canada’s Federal Court is full of cases of rejected immigration applicants and there appears to be no let-up in sight.

With this in mind, let us explore some of the issues in Canadian immigration.

Illegal Immigration

Before looking at the general issues involved in getting into, or staying in, Canada, it is important to realize that violation of Canadian immigration law could have severe consequences. We will discuss below the various programs and policies affecting immigration to Canada that will allow people to come to, and remain in, Canada.

However, in the last few years, there has been a rise in illegal immigration to Canada, and the authorities are taking an increasingly harsh stance against people caught in this position. If you attempt to enter Canada without the appropriate legal authorization and documentation. You will meet a stern turnaround from Canadian immigration authorities. Whether before you board the plane or after you land, whenever the problem is detected. Canadian immigration authorities are now conducting checks of persons at airports abroad before people can even board a plane.

Similarly, someone already in Canada who breaches Canadian immigration or criminal law will face possible deportation. Meeting the requirements of Canadian immigration is no laughing matter, and the consequences of failing to obey the rules could lead to deportation and the inability to return to Canada ever again.

Knowing the General Requirements

If you are seeking to enter Canada, you should ensure that all proper requirements are met. These may include:

  • Obtaining a visa before arriving, for certain nationalities. The list changes from time to time, a Canadian Visa Post should be consulted if there is any question.
  • Ensuring that there is no criminal bar to entry – a criminal record could lead to denial of entry to Canada for permanent or temporary purposes.
  • Ensuring that there is no medical inadmissibility issue – the existence of an ailment that could jeopardize Canadian health and safety, or be a burden on our health system, could lead to inadmissibility.
  • Further, specific requirements may be needed in particular instances, such as a work permit for those seeking to work in Canada. We give you here a basic idea about the legal issues involved in the process. Once you feel that you may qualify under one of the areas discussed. You will have to deal with the procedures involved. You will need to:
    • Obtain the appropriate forms – note that since November 2008, all skilled worker permanent residence applications are sent to a central processing center in Sydney, Nova Scotia. From there, files are screened and sent to the geographically appropriate visa post for further processing. Basic information is submitted to Sydney, but further documentation is submitted only upon request by the local visa post;
    • Look at the practical issues involved in applying;
    • Ascertain the proper documentation which will be required from a Canadian VisaPost, to be ready when the time comes. Canada divides the type of people entering the country into two basic groups – temporary and permanent.

Temporary Visa Issues

Temporary entry can be broken down further into three branches:

  • Temporary residents (formerly ‘visitors’)
  • Students; and
  • Foreign workers.

There are exceptional circumstances that can give rise to entry on other grounds (through, for instance, a Temporary Resident Permit where someone may not otherwise be admissible), but these are the basic categories. It should be noted that even for those people for whom the student or worker categories seem applicable. The issues relating to temporary residents discussed below relate as well and should be considered.

Temporary residents/‘visitors’

Visitors are temporary residents who come to Canada neither to study nor work. Visits can, of course, have various purposes, from the simplest form of someone who is just a tourist, to those coming for a business visit. Anyone who is not a student or worker will be put into this broad category.

Technically, anyone seeking to come to Canada as a visitor must obtain a temporary resident visa at a Canadian Visa Post (Embassy, Consulate, or High Commission dealing with immigration matters) before entering Canada. Nationals of certain countries, including the United Kingdom, have been exempted from this requirement.

However, this does not mean that British citizens, as just one example of a visa-exempt country, are immune to the enforcement of Canadian immigration law. Indeed, anyone appearing at a Canadian port of entry (anywhere where one enters the country, either at an airport, seaport, or land crossing) must justify his or her entitlement to enter Canada and maybe be questioned as to the reason for seeking entry.


In addition to the issues discussed above, those wishing to study in Canada must meet some further requirements, and must generally obtain a visa for studying before arriving in Canada. First, a student must have been accepted to a Canadian educational institution. Certain institutions will not qualify, and it will be necessary to check with a Canadian Visa Post or immigration professional before making the application.

As a student, you will also have to demonstrate your ability to support yourself while in Canada – perhaps with a sum of some $10,000 to $15,000 or more – and the intention to return when studies are concluded. It is again important to note that a student visa is temporary and applicants must convince an officer that it is not their intention to remain in Canada permanently. That being said, it is possible to extend student visas after arriving in Canada. As the educational program proceeds from year to year or another time frame, or if there is a change of institution. Eventually, however, the visa will end.

Students in some cases will also be entitled to a non-renewable one-year or two-year work permit after their program to work in their field of study.

Foreign workers

This is perhaps the most asked about, and misunderstood, aspect of Canadian immigration. People often say if they can’t get permanent residence, they will just come to work temporarily. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. A temporary work permit is not a substitute for permanent residence or a lesser form of permanent residence. It is sometimes more difficult to get a temporary work permit than a permanent residence.

The Usual Process

The general procedure to obtain a work permit is as follows:

Canada’s policy, as indicated, is ‘net benefit to Canada’. A foreigner can work in Canada only when this is justified, and may include issues as to whether there is no Canadian to fill a position. Therefore the process begins with the employer.

According to the legislation which took effect 28 June 2002, an employer must establish several factors to an officer of Service Canada (operating on behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada) before a ‘positive labor market opinion’ (also referred to as a Confirmation or LMO) can be provided. Which is the precursor to a work permit application. The Service Canada officer will consider factors including:

  • Whether the work is likely to result in direct job creation or job retention for Canadians – (including citizens of Canada and permanent residents)
  • Whether the work is likely to result in the creation or transfer of skills and knowledge for the benefit of Canadians
  • The work is likely to fill a labor shortage
  • Whether the wages and working conditions offered are sufficient to attract and retain Canadians
  • The employer has made or has agreed to make reasonable efforts to hire or train permanent residents or citizens of Canada
  • Whether the employment of the foreign national is likely to adversely affect the settlement of a labor dispute.

Canadian Immigration: Conclusion

Once Service Canada provides a positive Labor Market Opinion, a foreign worker may then proceed to apply for a work permit at the appropriate Canadian Visa Post (or in some cases, port of entry). The worker will need to substantiate that his or her credentials meet the requirements of the job in question. As well, a temporary work permit is indeed temporary. Generally issued for an initial period of one year, and renewable thereafter – if the reason for the renewal can be substantiated.

Moreover, based on the structure of the program, the reality is that the less sophisticated a job or an applicant’s credentials. The less likely it is that Confirmation and/or work permit will be granted since it is less likely that there are no Canadians to fill the position.

Typically, the occupations permitted are considered NOC 0, A, or B. Though somewhat beyond the scope of this book, NOC is the National Occupational Classification. All occupations are placed on a grid and the ‘0’ levels are management positions; A and B are high-level – usually requiring a university degree – occupations. Service Canada, however, does now offer a ‘low skilled worker program’ (NOC C and D). Which will allow employers to seek a Confirmation for low-skilled workers if the employees meet certain recruitment and working conditions requirements. There are several conditions to be met in this regard, and perhaps most notably, a sustained attempt to look for persons for the position.

Immigrating to Canada Permanently

Here is what you need to know about Canada Today;

Services and information

  • Express Entry. Immigrate as a skilled worker.
  • Family sponsorship. Sponsor your relatives, including your spouse, partner, children, parents, grandparents, and others to immigrate.
  • Provincial nominees.
  • Quebec-selected skilled workers.
  • Atlantic Immigration Pilot.
  • Caregivers.
  • Start-up Visa.
  • Self-employed.

Service Canada

Service Canada is a program operated by Employment and Social Development Canada. This serves as a single point of access for the Government of Canada’s largest and most heavily used programs. Such as the Social Insurance Number, the Employment Insurance program, the Old Age Security Program, and the Canada Pension Plan. Service Canada centers also accept applications for Canadian passports.

Service Canada offers, from time to time, ‘enhanced’ programs that may benefit employers (and hence employees). For instance, there exists at the time of publication of this edition, an expedited labor market opinion process for British Columbia and Alberta. Through this process, an employer can essentially register that they are often in need of certain occupations, on a prescribed list, and when they need that field, they can submit a simplified application that will be processed in just a matter of days.

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